Composition and Actions

Artemisia annua L..

Review of studies on the composition, mechanisms of action, dosage forms, toxicology and epidemiology of Artemisia annua L.
IMG: Artemisia annua L. Composition and Mechanisms This article presents and provides access to scientific publications on the phytochemical composition of Artemisia annua and the mechanisms of action of (...)
Sont regroupées dans cet article les études toxicologiques publiées concernant Artemisia annua L.
This article identifies and makes available studies on the galenic forms of Artemisia annua, i.e. the forms in which the active ingredients and excipients (...)
IMG: Artemisia annua L. Pharmacokinetics This article collects and makes available publications related to the study of the outcome of Artemisia annua in the organism.
Cet article présente les études publiées concernant l’activité in vitro d’Artemisia annua L. sur les Plasmodiums, agents pathogènes à l’origine du (...)
IMG: Etudes in vivo de la tisane d'Artemisia annua sur le Plasmodium falciparum This article identifies and provides access to studies on the antimalarial properties of Artemisia annua extracts. The publications are ordered (...)
This document summarizes studies on Artemisia annua anti-infectious activities other than anti-malarial, and on the potential usefulness of extracts of (...)
Cet article regroupe les études publiées concernant le potentiel prophylactique d’Artemisia annua L.
Cet articles regroupe les études publiées concernant les données épidémiologiques liées à à la malaria et à Artemisia annua L.
Historical and ethnobotanical studies
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